2020년까지 전 국민의 기본적인 헬스케어를 보장을 목표로 하는 중국의 헬스케어 시스템 계획과 현재 중극의 보험, 병원 및 재정 상황을 담고 있음.

China’s healthcare system has undergone considerable changes over the past couple of decades and continues to face mounting challenges. This country report is focused on the development of China’s healthcare reform, including measurement of both quality and performance of the healthcare system.
The report is part of the Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis’ Health Measurement Project, which examines quality measurements for healthcare in a number of countries.
1. Overview of China’s Health System

2. China’s Multi-Layered Medical Insurance System

3. Public Hospital Reform

4. Private Hospital Development

5. Healthcare Financing

6. Healthcare Services and Health Status in China

7. Improving the Quality of Healthcare in China

8. Measuring the Performance of the Healthcare System

9. Concluding Discussion

Growth Analysis
2013년 12월